So I’ve been meaning to post a photo or two each Tuesday talking about my adventures abroad and local, and the stories behind them.
As so many folks in the metro area begin their daily commute this morning, I’m reminded of one of my favorite photos. It offers such a unique contrast to our style of transportation.
This photo was taken up in the mountain of Chiri, Ethiopia where paved roads are a foreign luxury, and individual vehicles are unheard of. Many men climb aboard any moving vehicle to get to the top; which is typically an hour long commute to start the days work. The less fortunate begin a day of walking to get to nearby markets.
This photo represents another aspect of life in Ethiopia that I find so endearing. Public transportation is rough, smelly, and dangerous but it’s part of their collective identity. Notice the kid second to the left with the big smile on his face. This is one of those days I’d gladly trade my ride for his.