Now that I’m crawling out of my dream-like world I’ve been in for the past week in Vegas, I can stand back and start to unwind and reflect on it. So… how to describe what happened?!
This past week was a huge reminder that you are never in control. When you realize you aren’t and let go is when life really surprises you. By letting go of fear (and taking advice from Jim in ‘Yes Man’) I witnessed how miracles in your life happen.
From the moment I landed in Vegas, I could feel the city’s energy all around me. I was super excited for WPPI to begin and was wishing for any and every opportunity to come my way. I was invited to attend Mohammad Ali’s 70th birthday party in our hotel, the MGM Grand but was really tired from the flight. Regardless, my friend Veronica and I went and found ourselves shaking hands with Sigfried + Roy (the tiger dudes), meeting Jerry Jones (owner of the Cowboys) and within 20 feet of P Diddy, Lenny Kravitz (he touched me BACK!), David Beckham, Stevie Wonder, Snoop Dogg, John Legend, and many more of the greats. It was an awesome night!
The week only went uphill from there. Jen Jar, one of our Vegas roomies, was chosen to be followed by Stillmotion who we, for a lack of a better term… WORSHIP. This team of videographers is incredible. Their slogan says that they “let curiosity gets the better of us.” They are my kind of people. So Jen’s WPPI experience was turned into this masterpiece . You have to watch it before you keep reading. Ready… GO.
And THEN, after working and watching the greatest photographers in the field, we got all dolled up and went to a party hosted by Airplanes + Blazers, where a bunch of photographers kareoked and danced the night away. While winding down, and around close friends, Jeremy Mitchell and Ashley Barnett got engaged!
Woah….wait. What??!
This is where it gets beautiful, folks.
The whole week it felt like we were spinning, laughing and dancing in a dream world. The next day, we were in preparations for Jeremy + Ashley’s wedding! Now, for us wedding photographers, it’s a big thing. We’ve been around too many weddings and marriages and yada yada to take any of it lightly, although it may seem that way since, well, it’s Vegas.
But here’s the thing. Ashley and Jeremy are the real deal. And having the opportunity to witness this (and be a bridesmaid for the first time!) is such a blessing. I’m so so happy for them and can’t wait to see what this creative team has in their future. I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!
SOOO… to wrap up all this blabber, let me say this: LIVE FAST, DIE YOUNG.
Just kidding. But if you want the most out of life, then let go. Open your heart and your mind, and beautiful things will start to happen ;]
I asked for a memorable week, and I sure got it.
Although I didn’t capture enough with my fancy camera, my iPhone sure did some work. Enjoy these Instagram shots (if you don’t have that app, you are missing out!)
Loved meeting and helping Jasmine Star, who definitely lives up to her last name. Her perspective and talent spring her forward in an industry that’s flooded with new artists everyday. Also great to work with Regin Chen and my awesome Vegas roommate, Ashley Goodwin!
We all a blast at Airplanes + Blazers, a party where photographers gathered to sing kareoke and shake ya tail feather.
Sometimes being in charge of taking photos holds you back from being in the moment. You yourself, are in charge of capturing the moment. That being said, I only captured the few below of Ashley and Jeremy’s wedding preparations. Wedding attendees! Ashley Goodwin Woods, Jen Jar, Laura Gordon, Yours truly, and Alicia White!Ashley getting bridal portraits done in front of our fab limo, by the FAB Justin + Mary!!!