Eduarda & Charles’ story begins at a swimming pool in mid-July. Eduarda had just moved into DC and was getting adjusted to the city life when she decided to go to the pool with some friends, and met the nicest and most interesting — not to mention handsome — guy. Although not really expecting to delve into a relationship so soon after moving, she simply couldn’t deny the chemistry that happened that day at the pool. They went on a follow-up date almost immediately and right afterward, her roommate noted how ‘glow-y’ she was afterwards. As their bond grew stronger, they both began to fall fast. Eduarda called Hanna, her best friend and maid of honor within the two weeks of dating to tell her, “This is crazy, but mark my words, I WILL marry this man.” Sometimes when ya know, ya know!
Their love is ever apparent when they are together. Charles is sweet, with kind eyes and an open disposition. He is a man of action. He owns a successful nightclub in DC, Heist, and has had his private pilot license for some time, which is where the theme of our shoot began.
Naturally their engagement shoot was their idea, a fusion of their style and love story. A vintage shoot at a small Maryland airport Charles learned how to fly at.
I really couldn’t have asked for a more beautiful couple for a photographer’s dream shoot – complete with their friend and stylist/designer Tim Sheldon. It was an amazing day made better by the wonderful company. What sets Charles, Eduarda and their friends like Tim apart is not their professional successes or beauty, which they have in spades, but the humility with which it is dispatched.
The shoot itself was gorgeous. The small propeller planes, the light, the vintage clothes and the MG convertible. Eduarda, as you will see is hands down one of the most beautiful and natural subjects I have photographed.
As Charles lifted Eduarda into the small US Navy plane, Tim looked back shouting enthusiastically,
“Co-pilot for life!”
Couldn’t have said it better myself.

Their sweet ‘teenage boy’ Winston was naturally the star of the show.. he was also a model! I’ve never seen an animal so happy and comfortable in front of the lens.